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Mae La Oon is one of the 9 refugee camps that the Thai Government has authorized in its territory bordering Burma.

Mae La Oon is one of the 9 refugee camps that the Thai Government has authorized in it's territory bordering Burma. Despite being one of the smallest camps, it is home to some 18,900 people. Although it's population varies according to the month, and sometimes even according to the day due to the continuous influx of new refugees fleeing their own country to look for protection, shelter and food and security.

In order to improve the nutrition of 57 children living at the refugee camp orphanage, the Colabora Birmania has financed the construction of a small fish farm, the purchase of 4 pigs and the establishment of one vegetable garden. This will provide a nutritious diet for these children, something which at the present they do not have.

Agriculture and ranching at Mae La Oon refugee camp



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