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Discover the "Rise-Rice", the magic rice from Myanmar.


With your help we can multiply the amount

of food they get to enable them to grow

up as healthy and strong as you.

Lastest News!

We have received the third prize in the international category of the XXI AWARDS TELVA SOLIDARITY. We will build a bakery for the Holly Infant Orphanage.

Our projects

Colabora Birmania projects are based on education, infrastructure and public health. Access our website and discover all of them.

Meet Colabora Birmania in 4 minutes

Do you know Burma?

Did you know...?

  • There are more than 160,000 Burmese people crowded into 9 refugee camps located on the Thai border.

  • Organization has classified the Burmese health sector as number 190 out of 191 countries.

  • Over 2 million people from Burma live as migrant workers in Thailand (the vas majority al ilegal migrants).

  • To consolidate territorial gains, the goverment has doubled the deployment of battalions across eastern Burma during the last decade.

  • Only goverment controlled schools are allowed to offer instruction up to the 10th standard, but these schools are not found in rural areas.

I want to know more...

Discover a range of different beautiful handmade gifts made by Burmese women, who work in refugee camps, in our online shop.

Solidarity Gifts

Now it´s your turn

Get the first APP completely design by Burmese Children for free. Vicente del Bosque, Pedro Piqueras o Fernando Tejero are some of the familiar faces that have helped us spread this application. Discover our project “Now is your turn” and how it became possible. 

Download here.




Concepción Jerónima 22,

28012 · Madrid · 680 769 110


La Caixa, ES92 2100 0515 4702 0026 3646

G-87136826  © 2015 Colabora Birmania


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